【經濟學人簡單學】 在感情上你是 Netflix and Chill 派還是 Hulu and commitment 派呢?
最新一期的經濟學人專題討論了在影音串流平台如Netflix、Disney、HBO、Hulu 的「戰國時代」,投資者不斷挹入資金、巨頭們不斷出新招想要獨佔鰲頭的背景下,也有哪一些風險需要注意。
在美國的歷史上,有歷經幾次投資潮,像是 1860 年代的鐵路建設潮 (the railways in the 1860s)、1940年代的底特律汽車工業投資潮 (Detroit's car industry in the 1940s) 等等。而如今,娛樂產業 (the entertainment industry) 成了另外一項可能讓人「發大財」的源頭。
就在過去的五年間,光娛樂產業就花了至少6500 億美元在收購與製作節目。而這樣的狂潮 (binge),普遍被認為是過去20年創新型破壞所累積出的結果。
In total the entertainment business has spent at least $650bn on acquisitions and programming in the past five years. This binge is the culmination of 20 years of creative destruction.
目前在影音串流媒體市場的競爭市場的玩家包含了 Netflix、Disney、AT&T Time Warner、Comcast 和其他小型的公司。另外儘管他們整體的市場佔有率更不高,但有三個科技公司也相當活躍,分別是 Youtube、Amazon、以及Apple。
The contenders include Netflix, Disney, AT&T Time Warner, Comcast, and smaller upstarts. Three tech firms are active, too-\-\Youtube (owned by Alphabet), Amazon, and Apple, although their collective market share is still small.
也因為這樣的激烈競爭 (fierce competition),消費者成了最大的受益者,有個更多更好的選擇,可以更便宜地享受串流媒體的服務(基本上都低於一個月15美元)。像在去年,串流媒體製作了496個節目 / 電影,已經是2010年的兩倍。而製作的品質也一直在提升,這從串流媒體製作的節目、電影所得到的提名數以及情節的多樣性發展中,都可以看到。
Consumers have more to choose from at lower prices and can pick from a variety of streaming services that cost less than $15 each. Last year 496 new shows were made, double the number in 2010. Quality has also risen, judged by the crop of Oscar and Emmy nominations for streamed shows and by the rising diversity of storytelling.
雖說還是會有人擔心一味地討好消費者,最終會以悲劇作結。美國歷史上就有兩個血淋淋的例子。當今以服務品質差且價格高的寡頭壟斷電信產業及航空業,就是在 1990 年代歷經激烈競爭後因資金緊張,最終歷經合併後所導致的結果。
History offers two dispiriting examples of how a consumer-friendly boom can turn into a stitch-up. Telecoms and airlines in America saw a riot of competition in the 1990s only to become financially-stretched and then reconsolidated into oligopolies that are known today for poor service and high prices.
但對於我們來說,似乎不用想那麼多。我還是打開Netflix,繼續 binge watch 我的 How to get away with murder!
1️⃣ streaming service [C] 影音串流平台 (可數)
2️⃣ 當人家說要 Netflix and chill 時,通常不是只是「蓋棉被純聊天」,看看電影聊聊天而已,通常帶有性暗示。同時也有 Hulu (另外一個串流平台) and commitment 的有趣用法,相較於 Netflix and chill 認真許多,是在找穩定的另外一半。
Nick: Wanna Netflix and chill?
Rene: I'm looking for something more serious. I want Hulu and commitment.
「variety of用法」的推薦目錄:
- 關於variety of用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook
- 關於variety of用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook
- 關於variety of用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook
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variety of用法 在 Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文 Facebook 八卦
【經濟學人簡單學】 在感情上你是 Netflix and Chill 派還是 Hulu and commitment 派呢?
最新一期的經濟學人專題討論了在影音串流平台如Netflix、Disney、HBO、Hulu 的「戰國時代」,投資者不斷挹入資金、巨頭們不斷出新招想要獨佔鰲頭的背景下,也有哪一些風險需要注意。
在美國的歷史上,有歷經幾次投資潮,像是 1860 年代的鐵路建設潮 (the railways in the 1860s)、1940年代的底特律汽車工業投資潮 (Detroit's car industry in the 1940s) 等等。而如今,娛樂產業 (the entertainment industry) 成了另外一項可能讓人「發大財」的源頭。
就在過去的五年間,光娛樂產業就花了至少6500 億美元在收購與製作節目。而這樣的狂潮 (binge),普遍被認為是過去20年創新型破壞所累積出的結果。
In total the entertainment business has spent at least $650bn on acquisitions and programming in the past five years. This binge is the culmination of 20 years of creative destruction.
目前在影音串流媒體市場的競爭市場的玩家包含了 Netflix、Disney、AT&T Time Warner、Comcast 和其他小型的公司。另外儘管他們整體的市場佔有率更不高,但有三個科技公司也相當活躍,分別是 Youtube、Amazon、以及Apple。
The contenders include Netflix, Disney, AT&T Time Warner, Comcast, and smaller upstarts. Three tech firms are active, too--Youtube (owned by Alphabet), Amazon, and Apple, although their collective market share is still small.
也因為這樣的激烈競爭 (fierce competition),消費者成了最大的受益者,有個更多更好的選擇,可以更便宜地享受串流媒體的服務(基本上都低於一個月15美元)。像在去年,串流媒體製作了496個節目 / 電影,已經是2010年的兩倍。而製作的品質也一直在提升,這從串流媒體製作的節目、電影所得到的提名數以及情節的多樣性發展中,都可以看到。
Consumers have more to choose from at lower prices and can pick from a variety of streaming services that cost less than $15 each. Last year 496 new shows were made, double the number in 2010. Quality has also risen, judged by the crop of Oscar and Emmy nominations for streamed shows and by the rising diversity of storytelling.
雖說還是會有人擔心一味地討好消費者,最終會以悲劇作結。美國歷史上就有兩個血淋淋的例子。當今以服務品質差且價格高的寡頭壟斷電信產業及航空業,就是在 1990 年代歷經激烈競爭後因資金緊張,最終歷經合併後所導致的結果。
History offers two dispiriting examples of how a consumer-friendly boom can turn into a stitch-up. Telecoms and airlines in America saw a riot of competition in the 1990s only to become financially-stretched and then reconsolidated into oligopolies that are known today for poor service and high prices.
但對於我們來說,似乎不用想那麼多。我還是打開Netflix,繼續 binge watch 我的 How to get away with murder!
1️⃣ streaming service [C] 影音串流平台 (可數)
2️⃣ 當人家說要 Netflix and chill 時,通常不是只是「蓋棉被純聊天」,看看電影聊聊天而已,通常帶有性暗示。同時也有 Hulu (另外一個串流平台) and commitment 的有趣用法,相較於 Netflix and chill 認真許多,是在找穩定的另外一半。
Nick: Wanna Netflix and chill?
Rene: I'm looking for something more serious. I want Hulu and commitment.
variety of用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 八卦
[時事英文] Alzheimer’s Prediction May Be Found in Writing Tests
音檔: https://bit.ly/3lcBTxr
Alzheimer’s Prediction May Be Found in Writing Tests
Is it possible to predict who will develop Alzheimer’s disease simply by looking at writing patterns years before there are symptoms? According to a new study by IBM researchers, the answer is yes. And, they and others say that Alzheimer’s is just the beginning. People with a wide variety of neurological illnesses have distinctive language patterns that, investigators suspect, may serve as early warning signs of their diseases.
• Alzheimer’s disease 阿爾茨海默症
• symptoms 癥狀、症狀
• according to a new study 根據一個新研究
• a wide variety of 多種~的
• neurological illnesses 神經系統疾病
• distinctive language patterns 獨特的語言模式
• an early warning sign of ~的早期預警訊號
有沒有可能在出現癥狀之前的幾年裡,僅僅通過觀察書寫模式來預測誰會患上阿爾茨海默症? 根據IBM研究人員的一項新研究,答案是肯定的。而且,他們和其他一些研究人員表示,阿爾茨海默症的預測只是開始。研究人員懷疑,患有多種神經系統疾病的人都有著獨特的語言模式,可能是他們疾病的早期預警信號。
The researchers examined the subjects’ word usage with an artificial intelligence program that looked for subtle differences in language. It identified one group of subjects who were more repetitive in their word usage at that earlier time when all of them were cognitively normal. These subjects also made errors, such as spelling words wrongly or inappropriately capitalizing them, and they used telegraphic language, meaning language that has a simple grammatical structure and is missing subjects and words like “the,” “is” and “are.”
• word usage 詞彙使用情況
• subtle differences 細微差別
• artificial intelligence 人工智慧
• repetitive 重複的
• telegraphic language* 電報式語言
• simple grammatical structure 簡單的語法結構
*telegraphic language is speech during the two-word stage of language acquisition in children, which is laconic and efficient but lack of function words, tense and plural endings on nouns.
The members of that group turned out to be the people who developed Alzheimer’s disease. The A.I. program predicted, with 75 percent accuracy, who would get Alzheimer’s disease, according to results published recently in The Lancet journal EClinicalMedicine. “We had no prior assumption that word usage would show anything,” said Ajay Royyuru, vice president of health care and life sciences research at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., where the A.I. analysis was done.
• develop a disease 患上疾病
• with % accuracy 準確率達~%
• no prior assumption 沒有先想到、先假設到
• usage (詞語或語言的)用法
• A.I. analysis 人工智慧分析
這群人後來都患上了阿爾茨海默症。根據《柳葉刀》(The Lancet)子刊《臨床醫學》(EClinicalMedicine)最近發表的研究結果,該人工智慧能夠預測誰將患上阿爾茨海默症,準確率達75%。「我們之前沒有想到用詞情況還有這個用途,」紐約州約克敦高地的IBM托馬斯·沃森研究中心(IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)醫療保健和生命科學研究副總裁阿賈伊·羅伊尤魯(Ajay Royyuru)說。人工智慧分析就是在該中心進行的。
文章來自《紐約時報》: https://nyti.ms/3pXsI5l
圖片來源: http://bit.ly/3qsX3sb
variety of用法 在 variety of用法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 萌寵公園 的八卦
關於「variety of用法」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. a variety of (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words"a variety of" 意思、問題及例句. ... <看更多>
variety of用法 在 variety of用法在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 萌寵公園 的八卦
關於「variety of用法」標籤,搜尋引擎有相關的訊息討論:. a variety of (【片語】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words"a variety of" 意思、問題及例句. ... <看更多>
variety of用法 在 [文法] There is/are a variety of foods?? - 看板Eng-Class 的八卦
剛剛正在看到這個a variety of的片語...
There ___ a variety of foods to choose from.
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